

Since 2022,
Darumah has been supporting companies in the human and veterinary health sectors to achieve their goals both in France and internationally.

Darumah's areas of expertise

Do you want to assess the potential of a technology, medical device, product, or health service in the veterinary market?

Darumah directs you towards therapeutic areas of interest, offers you an analysis of the market, the competition...

Are you a researcher, looking to promote your discovery, and wishing to be put in contact with companies in human and animal health ?

Darumah helps you present your invention effectively, targets key players, connects you with them, and supports you during initial meetings.

Your health product has already been launched but is struggling to find its place and make itself known ?

Is your company looking to explore opportunities beyond its core competencies?

Darumah conducts strategic thinking with you, offers you an action plan to optimize its market share, and guides you in its operational implementation.

Atteindre sa cible dans le domaine de la santé
Développement commercial en France, en Europe ou à l'étranger

Are you a healthcare player located outside France wishing to set up in Europe and France ?

With Darumah, you benefit from local support and relay for your product and business development.

Do you experience a temporary increase in activity, a job vacancy in the areas of health product development, marketing or sales ?

For missions of 1 day, 1 month or 1 year, Darumah is there for you !

What does it mean in practice?

A few examples of Darumah's assignments

Strategic recommendations

Business development

Our customers & partners

They achieve their goals and grow thanks to Darumah

Darumah's aim

Above all, Darumah advocates innovation, facilitating exchanges between health players, market sectors, countries…

And finally to make human medicine and veterinary medicine benefit from the advances of one and on the other, for better overall health.

Placing a health product not yet available for humans on the veterinary market is often possible, legally speaking.

This is a great opportunity for small companies to fund their development in the human health market and expand their product’s indications based on veterinary market feedback.


Darumah is a Japanese deity, symbol of determination . . .

For more information...

Darumah's latest news

Contact us !


Master in Healthcare Marketing

By phone

+33 (0)6 77 78 03 13

By email


On LinkedIn

Agate Van Opstal

Or by filling out the contact form below :

Name & First Name